Thursday, April 29, 2010

10 Laws of Enduring Success

I read Maria Bartiromo's, The 10 Laws of Enduring Success and was impressed by her life story, her interviews with well-known people from diverse backgrounds, her definition of success, and her guidelines for achieving success.

She describes how the definition of success has to be defined by each individual based on their values, goals, and desires. The stories of individuals exhibiting each law/characteristic are inspiring and captivating.

Her 10 laws include:

1. Self-knowledge: listen to your heart
2. Vision: plant your dreams on solid ground
3. Initiative: and keep rattling the cage
4. Courage: be bold, smart, and fair
5. Integrity: do the right thing
6. Adaptability: stay open to change
7. Humility: hold on to your humanity
8. Endurance: build your stamina
9. Purpose: know what matters most
10. Resilience: get up and move on

I would add a passion for what you do, willingness to work hard to achieve your goals, and the ability to ask for help when needed.

This is a book that I enjoyed and would recommend to others.

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