Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Quantifying Accomplishments

Often job seekers find it difficult to quantify their accomplishments. It is very important not to lie or embellish on your resume and in your interviews. The best way to ensure your accuracy in quanitfying accomplishments is by maintaining a journal, notebook, or word document file as the events happen. Each time you have a problem, challenge, or situation, write down what is was, what you did to resolve it, and what the benefit of it was using numbers and percentages. Armed with this written documentation you will be much more confident in writing your resume and interviewing.

Personal / Executive Branding

My clients and I have developed effective tools to help them explore job opportunities for over 15 years that are today being called executive / personal branding. Don't let the terms throw you. If you can tell your story by providing the employer with the following information you have an "executive brand:"
  1. What are you most proud of having accomplished in every position held ?
  2. How have you benefited your employers - quantify increasing productivity; accuracy, efficiency, accountability; reducing costs; ensuring profits?
  3. What problems, challenges, situations have you faced; what did you do to deal with the problem, challenge, or situation; and what was the benefit of what you did for the employer and client (PAR, CAR, SAR statements)?
  4. What are your greatest strengths / skills.
  5. If you could find a job anywhere, what would it be, where would it be, and for whom would it be - what is your ideal job?
  6. Why should an employer select you over the other candidates he interviews for the position?

If you clearly and concisely answer all of the above questions, you and a potential employer will know who you are and what you can do for them.

If your resume includes your specific story with statements of your verifiable accomplishments including numbers and percentages, your resume will be used as a guideline for your interview. If you know your resume well and can expound on every statement on it, you will ace the interview. If you send a handwritten thank you note, in addition to an e-mail, you will enhance your chances of getting the job offer.

Having said all that, in a recession with so many jobs being lost, you may have to take a job that is less than ideal. You can keep looking, but the reality is that food on the table and a roof over your head may be more important right now than finding your ideal job.